Lecturer Maryam SAMER
Lecturer Maryam SAMER
İlgili Haberler

Maryam Samer is a poetess, presenting mainly human existential philosophical themes in her writing. She is profoundly reflecting psychological perspectives in the creation of her texts. She has published a number of her poems in local cultural magazines in her country, Yemen. Maryam became one of the few young female poetess that got recognition from the south writers union. She is an English Language academic lecturer and holds master degrees in linguistics and English studies, and business administration. Her interest in human trauma and especially women trauma reflects on her published article relating females trauma experience and growth through analyzing their autobiographies. She was a permanent guest at a radio program discussing trauma and human development.

Maryam has been working against female discrimination and female genital mutilation (FGM). She participated at The Youth Round Table to End FGM in Senegal, 2021, as a representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Yemen. She is interested in cultural diversity and raising youth awareness, she worked as a facilitator for Clown Me In with Clowns Without Borders, Sweden. The training took place in Lebanon. The goal is to bring joy in areas of crisis and conflict; In Yemen, she is passionate in facilitating women workshops engaging arts to overcome trauma caused by war.